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DIY Bird Feeder Ice Cream Cone: An Easy & Fun Craft

Creating an ice cream cone bird feeder is a simple DIY project for kids of all ages. 

A bird feeder cone is not only a fun activity but also highly functional. Using a few simple ingredients and supplies, you can create a biodegradable bird feeder that’s safe for the environment.

The ice cream cone serves as the base, which can be filled with a mixture of birdseed and other nutritious ingredients that birds love. Once completed, hang your bird feeder in a tree or near a window to enjoy watching wild birds.

ice cream cone bird feeder

Can you use ice cream cones for a bird feeder?

Yes, you can definitely use ice cream cones to make a bird feeder! This DIY bird feeder is a great way to attract your feathered friends to your yard while repurposing simple materials. Ice cream cones, especially sugar cones, work well as the base for the feeder because they are biodegradable and provide a sturdy structure for holding birdseed. 

Making homemade bird feeders is the perfect activity during the cold winter months or spring and fall when birds are most active and in need of extra food. 

This eco-friendly craft is perfect for attracting birds to your garden, providing them with nutritious snacks while adding a charming touch to your outdoor space. 

Let’s learn how to make bird feeder with an ice cream cone!

Materials Needed:

ice cream cone bird feeder


Carefully cut tip of the cone (the pointed end) to create an opening just large enough for a piece of twine to get through.

Using a butter knife or spoon, spread a generous layer of peanut butter all over the outside of the cone. This sticky layer will help the birdseed adhere to the cone.

ice cream cone bird feeder

Pour the bird seed onto a paper plate or bowl.

Roll the cone in the birdseed, pressing gently to ensure the seeds stick to the surface. Make sure the cone is evenly covered with seeds.

Cut a piece of string or twine about 12 inches long. Carefully tie one end of the string around the narrow end of the cone. Make sure it’s secure enough to hold the weight of the cone when it’s full of seeds.

Slide the cone down, wide side down, over the cord and let the cone rest on the knot.

Tie a loop at the top of the ice cream cone for hanging.

ice cream cone bird feeder

Find a suitable spot in your garden or yard to hang your ice cream cone bird feeder craft. A tree branch or sturdy shrub works well. Tie the other end of the string to a branch, ensuring the cone hangs freely and is easily accessible to birds.

ice cream cone bird feeder

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How to Make an Ice Cream Cone Bird Feeder

How to Make an Ice Cream Cone Bird Feeder

Yield: 1
Active Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: easy
These easy-to-make ice cream cone bird feeders are perfect for any backyard, and they're a great activity for bird lovers!


  • ice cream sugar cones 

  • birdseed
jute cord
peanut butter


  • Scissors
  • butter knife


    1. Carefully cut the tips off of your ice cream cones, creating an opening just large enough for the jute to get through. 
    2. Coat the cones with a thin, even layer of peanut butter.
    3. Roll the cone in bird seed. 
    4. Cut a piece of jute cord to a desired length, tie a knot in the bottom half of the cord.
    5. Slide the cone down, wide side down, over the cord and let the cone rest on the knot. 
    6. Tie a loop at the top for hanging. 
    7. Place your sugar cone bird feeder outside for your bird friends. 

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